Plans for teams of all sizes

Start a free trial to find out if we're a good fit.
Upgrade or cancel anytime.

A Review profile is a public review page for a product, location, or brand. For example, your local hairdresser on Google My Business, Instagram on the App Store, MacDonald's UK on Trustpilot, or reviewflowz on G2.


/ month / review profile
Total: $60 / month billed annually
Start a free trial
Access, Search, & export all past reviews
Send reviews to Slack, Email, MS Teams or Zapier
Filter notifications by language, source, and keyword
Language detection and automated translation


/ month / review profile
Total: $80 / month billed annually
Start a free trial
Reply to new reviews from Reviewflowz, and from Slack with AI suggestions
Track review replies, updates, and review deletion
Review widgets to showcase your best reviews
Automate daily, weekly or monthly reports


/ month / review profile
Total: $100 / month billed annually
Start a free trial
Competitive analysis
Topical sentiment analysis
AI or Template Auto-replies
Review generation campaigns & magic links
G2 rank tracking
AI chat assistant with access to all reviews

Contact us

API / Data Only
Request a demo
Build your own reports with advanced analytics
Webhooks & API polling
Built-in language detection & translation
Custom # of reviews on initialization
Consistent input & output schema
Pay as you go

From $0.10

/ review
Export any profile's reviews to Excel in seconds
No subscription, no commitment
No access required, instant and comprehensive review list
A Review profile is a public review page for a product, location, or brand. For example, your local hairdresser on Google My Business, Instagram on the App Store, MacDonald's UK on Trustpilot, or reviewflowz on G2.


/ month / review profile
Total: $75 / month billed annually
Start a free trial
Access, Search, & export all past reviews
Send reviews to Slack, Email, MS Teams or Zapier
Filter notifications by language, source, and keyword
Language detection and automated translation


/ month / review profile
Total: $100 / month billed annually
Start a free trial
Reply to new reviews from Reviewflowz, and from Slack with AI suggestions
Track review replies, updates, and review deletion
Review widgets to showcase your best reviews
Automate daily, weekly or monthly reports


/ month / review profile
Total: $125 / month billed annually
Start a free trial
Competitive analysis
Topical sentiment analysis
AI or Template Auto-replies
Review generation campaigns & magic links
G2 rank tracking
AI chat assistant with access to all reviews

Contact us

API / Data Only
Request a demo
Build your own reports with advanced analytics
Webhooks & API polling
Built-in language detection & translation
Custom # of reviews on initialization
Consistent input & output schema
Pay as you go

From $0.10

/ review
Export any profile's reviews to Excel in seconds
No subscription, no commitment
No access required, instant and comprehensive review list

Included in all plans

Reviews in every country & language

No catch. No add-on. We track reviews from every country and in every language. You can access the original review, or its translated version.

One-click replies, with AI suggestions

Reply to new reviews from reviewflowz, or from Slack, with built-in AI suggestions. Automate the boring stuff, and spend time on the tricky cases.

Access and monitor competitor reviews

Whether you need access to your own reviews or your competitor reviews, we've got you covered. Compare your performance with competitors.

Filter review notifications

Easily filter review notifications by star-rating, source, keywords, language, or tags to reduce the noise.

Built-in reporting

Leverage our built-in reporting and analytics to track your progress and focus your efforts on what impacts your KPIs.

Automated review tagging

Define review tags and let our AI assistant take care of tagging past and new reviews as they come in.

Compare the plans



/ month / review profile
Get started on a free trial →


/ month / review profile
Get started on a free trial →


/ month / review profile
Get started on a free trial →

Contact us

Request a demo →
At a glance
Access, Search, & export all reviews
Review notifications
Notification destinations (channels)
1 per review profile
2 per review profile
5 per review profile
Reply to reviews
Review widgets
Magic links
Review generation campaigns
AI Chat assistant
API access
Review monitoring
Track competitor reviews
Tag reviews automatically
Filter notifications (star rating, keyword, tags, language, ...)
Notification destinations
Slack, Email, Zapier, and Microsoft Teams
Slack, Email, Zapier, and Microsoft Teams
Slack, Email, Zapier, and Microsoft Teams
Webhooks, and API polling
Number of destinations
1 per review profile
2 per review profile
5 per review profile
Access all past reviews
Keyword search
Advanced filters
Tag reviews automatically
Download your reviews to Excel
AI Chat Assistant (Lenny)
Competitive analysis module
Topical sentiment analysis
Build your own reports with advanced analytics
Review generation
Magic review generation links
Email NPS campaigns
Email review generation campaigns
Advanced review balancing engine
Review widgets
Dynamic review widgets
Advanced filters
Custom CSS
Multilingual widgets
Custom templates
Contact us
Contact us
Customer support
24/7 chat & email support
Onboarding call
White glove onboarding


Everything you need to know about the product and billing. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please chat to our team.
What is a review profile?
A Review profile is a public review page for a product, location, or brand.
For example your local hairdresser on Google My Business, Instagram on the App Store, MacDonald's UK on Trustpilot, or reviewflowz on G2.
Are there any overage charges?
No. You can decide to purchase extra review profiles as you require them, but you won't be able to create extra profiles without having profile credits.
Extra profiles start from $15 / month / profile. Contact us for a detailed quote.
I want to track all reviews for a brand, but I don't have a list of locations. Can you help?
Yes, Reviewflowz is able to find all locations for any brand on platforms like Google, Yelp, etc. 
Contact us to learn more
Is there any limit to the number of reviews we can collect and / or track?
No. We pull all past available reviews on all platforms, on all plans, for all clients.
If I purchase a plan, how can I upgrade or downgrade?
You can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel at any time.
Upgrading starts a new billing cycle. You'll be charged the upgrade amount and the new plan will immediately take effect.
If you're downgrading, you'll be credited with the difference, and the credits will automatically be used on your next invoices, until they expire.
If you cancel your subscription, you'll retain access to your account and you'll be able to use the app until the end of your billing cycle. After that your account will be paused: we'll stop monitoring your reviews, the API will return 403s, we won't send any new reviews to your channels, you'll lose access to the interface, and your review widgets (if any) will become blank.
You'll need to manually delete your account if you wish to, although we might archive your account after some time. Archiving means we won't drop the data, but it might take a little while to regain access to your account.